Campus Safety and Security

Bastyr works diligently to keep students and campus members safe. We have been fortunate to have a largely crime-free campus for many years (see statistics below), and we promote safety through the following measures.

Security can be reached at: (206) 850-1710. 


  • Night and weekend officers who oversee the locking of offices and exterior doors, serve as on-call escorts, and monitor the hallways, parking lots and outdoor property. They are also trained in CPR/AED and first aid. 
  • Outdoor safety phones at each Student Village cottage. 
  • Outdoor security cameras. 
  • ID-card entry for low-visibility doors after hours. 

Reporting a Crime 

We strongly encourage you to report possible security problems or incidents. We also require that all restraining orders in effect be reported to Security. This allows us to maintain and increase safety on campus. Please report incidents to the Manager of Risk, Safety & Security (Craig Phillips) in room 12 or by calling Security at (206) 850-1710. 

Campus Security Act Report 

The Federal Campus Security Act of 1990 requires all colleges and universities receiving federal funds to provide annual statistics on several categories of crime. 

Access the U.S. Campus Crime and Security Statistics website