A Natural Approach, Trusted for Centuries
Acupuncture is a safe and natural addition to your health care. Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine (TCM) can assist you with pain management, premenstrual symptoms, digestive disorders, and more. Today, it continues to transform lives in a non-invasive, side-effect-free way. After your 90-minute initial appointment at Bastyr Clinic, you’ll have a treatment plan complete with next steps, what TCM modalities are to be used, and the frequency and duration of treatment.
Acupuncture is available in private practice only (no Team Care option available).
Acupuncture is commonly used to treat pain symptoms throughout the body that are mild to moderately painful. More specifically, acupuncture may be effective for a wide range of conditions, including:
- Pain management (back, neck, and knee pain)
- Orthopedic conditions
- Hypertension
- Infertility
- Gastrointestinal concerns
- Mental-emotional conditions (anxiety, insomnia, etc.)
- Stress management and relaxation
- Promote and improve recovery from a wide variety of conditions
- Reduce the side effects of other treatments
- Promote wellness and a calm state of being

Next Steps
Ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness? Contact us to ask questions and get your first appointment scheduled.