Baljit Khamba

ND, M.PH, Ed.D

Baljit Khamba

School of Naturopathic Medicine

San Diego


Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. Khamba is an assistant professor in the School of Naturopathic Medicine and Chair of Clinical Sciences at Bastyr University San Diego.


Dr. Khamba has interests in the areas of health equity, social justice, and inclusive learning. Currently, she is enrolled in a Doctorate of Education program focused on leadership at the University of Western Ontario (graduation expected in 2023). Her dissertation in practice is looking at inclusive admissions and selection practices for BIPOCs within the Naturopathic Medicine program. Khamba has practiced in integrative mental health clinics in Toronto and Edmonton and actively pursues research opportunities, where she disseminates her findings to the medical community.


  • Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, 2009.
  • Master in Public Health from Lakehead University, Canada, 2006.
  • BS (with honors) in Cognitive Neurosciences from York University, Canada.

Awards & Honours

  • CIHR-PHSI (Partnership in Health System Improvement) grant, 2014
  • Best of Naturopathic Medicine 2009, Townsend Letter

Professional affiliations

  • American Association of Naturopathic Medicine, Board of Directors, Convention Planning Committee, Scientific Advisory Committee, Professional Association Committee.
  • Interdisciplinary Network of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Researchers, Board of Directors, Convention Planning Committee.

Research Interests

Nutrition and mental health; Adverse events with natural health products; Treatment approaches for COVID symptoms 


Quantitative; Mixed-Methods

Research highlights

Honeybee products for the treatment and recovery from viral respiratory infections including SARS-COV-2: A rapid systematic review

Doctorate Dissertation: Transformational leadership approach for encouraging historically marginalized communities to access admission to Naturopathic Medicine


Arentz, S., Hunter, J., Khamba, B., Mravunac, M., Lee, Z., Alexander, K., Lauche, R., Goldenberg, J., & Myers, S. P. (2021). Honeybee products for the treatment and recovery from viral respiratory infections including SARS-COV-2: A rapid systematic review. Integrative medicine research, 10(Suppl), 100779.;Zorzela L, Khamba B, Sparks E, Necyk C, Urichuk L, Katzman MA, Koczerginski D, Chue P, Barnes J, Vohra S. Study of Natural Products Adverse Reactions (SONAR) in Adults with Mental Health Conditions: A Cross-Sectional Study. Drug Saf. 2021 Sep;44(9):999-1006. doi: 10.1007/s40264-021-01092-w. Epub 2021 Jul 28. PMID: 34322863; Sparks E, Zorzela L, Necyk C, Khamba B, Urichuk L, Barnes J, Vohra S. Study of Natural products Adverse Reactions (SONAR) in children seen in mental health clinics: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2020 Sep 28;4(1):e000674. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000674. PMID: 33062900; PMCID: PMC7523208; Necyk C, Khamba BK, Chue P, Urichuk L. Study of NHP-Drug Adverse Reactions (SONAR) in patients seeking mental health services. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine.  Curr Med Res Opin 2016; Aug (32)8: 1335-43

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