Natural Treatments for Seasonal Allergies

As the warmth of spring begins to thaw the remnants of winter, nature awakens with a burst of vibrant colors and rejuvenated life. However, alongside this seasonal revival comes an all-too-familiar foe for many: pollen. The return of sunny days also marks the onset of seasonal allergies, leaving countless individuals battling sneezing fits, itchy eyes, and nasal congestion. But fear not, Dawna Sweeny, ND, Alumni, has some tips on how to combat seasonal allergies and set your body up for success.
Identify and Remove Obstacles to Cure
Poor indoor air quality can be a huge trigger for allergens, leading to poor quality sleep. Dust can collect in hard-to-reach places, causing sneezing, watery eyes, and coughing. Some general tips to get started improving your air quality include:
·Get a HEPA air filter and vacuum filter. Change it every three months.
·Keep pets out of your bedroom. This is hard for some of us but if you do, be sure to run a HEPA air filter.
·Remove or replace old carpets (hardwood floors are best!)
· Use a Neti pot every morning and evening.
·Take a shower and put on clean clothes before bedtime. Contrast showers can be helpful. Start your shower in hot water, then swap your hot water for cold for a few minutes.
Assess the Determinants of Health
Is your body being properly nurtured? Create space for your body to create those natural antihistamines! Some things to try include:
·Eat a variety of colors, eat seasonally, eat organic, eat regularly.
·Eat an anti-inflammatory diet.
·Drink at least half your body weight in oz of water per day.
·Move your body! 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise most days.
·Get adequate sleep.
·Learn to manage stress well.
·Do at least one thing each day that brings you joy.
Enlist the help of a naturopathic doctor!
A naturopathic doctor may recommend constitutional hydrotherapy, where you alternate between applications of hot and cold, in conjunction with electrical stimulation. Naturopathic doctors may also suggest a homeopathic remedy to help with seasonal allergies.Euphrasia helps with burning eyes and a bland nose. Allium cepa helps with burning nose and bland eyes. Craniosacral therapy and chiropractic adjustments are also often suggested.
Decrease Histamine Release
There are a few supplements and herbs that can aid in decreasing the number of histamines in your body. The body releases histamines in response to exposure of allergens. Some common examples of histamines include headaches, digestive issues, hives, and nasal congestion. Examples of supplements and herbs include:
· Quercetin 400-500 mg three times per day
· Bioflavonoids 1000 mg per day
· Vitamin C 500 mg three times per day
· Nettles (Urtica dioica) cold infusion 1 cup three times per day
· Bromelain 500-1000 mg per day (inflammation reducer)
· Omega-3 2-4 g per day (another inflammation reducer)
· Train the immune system with local pollen and honey.
Take care of your body by reducing inflammation, feeding it properly, supplying it with important supplements and herbs, and reducing stress. If you’d like to get started on reducing your histamine response to allergens, book an appointment at Bastyr Center for Natural Health in Seattle or Bastyr University Clinic in San Diego today.