Simple Tips for Self-Care during the Holiday Season

person writing in a journal with a cup of tea


The holidays can be an overwhelming time of year. What we think will be a restful time off with loved ones often turns into a jam-packed couple of weeks. Leading up to, there’s gift shopping, meal prepping, and schedule juggling. Once the days arrive, we battle flights, hotel check-ins and disagreements with family members. Many are left wondering – How did this get so stressful?  

Vice President of Advancement and Enrollment Serivices and naturopathic doctor Jeanne Galloway recently spoke with KING5 news and gave listeners her favorite tips for self-care during what should be a restful time. 


Start off your day the right way. 

This can include a short meditation with one intention you set for yourself. Starting your day with a moment for yourself can help you achieve a healthy mindset and positive inner voice.  

Breathe through stress. 

Breathing is something that we do constantly without thinking about it. When a stressful situation comes up, tune in to your breath. Take a deep breath through your nose for three seconds, followed by exhaling for six seconds through your mouth. Breathwork helps to focus your mind and reduce your level of panic when you are exposed to a stressful scenario. 

Do a few minutes of movement. 

It doesn’t have to be a full workout, but a short 20-minute walk after a meal will help balance your blood glucose levels and release endorphins. 

Enjoy your food. 

Choose nourishing things that make you feel good. We have all been through a lot in 2021. It’s ok to press pause on your health goals and start them up in January 2022! 

Take Notes. 

Take five minutes to write five things that are great about yourself. Grace is so important to sustaining good mental health.  


The whole purpose of the holidays is to enjoy them. Don’t let stress stand in the way! For more information on how to manage stress and anxiety, book an appointment today at Bastyr Center for Natural Health and Bastyr University Clinic.  


Health tip originally found on KING5’s Are you OK Series, which aired on November 28.