Tips for Healthy Eating at Holiday Parties

Holiday gatherings with family and friends are full of delicious food, but they can make it challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle. While it’s important to enjoy and indulge during this festive season, you don’t have to let holiday celebrations derail your health goals. These mindful tips can help you celebrate while feeling your best!
- Eat a balanced snack before you go. Arriving at a holiday party feeling ravenous can lead to overindulging. A quick, balanced snack beforehand can help you make mindful choices.
- Bring a dish to share. This is a great opportunity to experiment with a new recipe, impress your friends, and ensure there are healthy options on the table.
- Focus on protein and veggies. These foods can help keep you full longer and provide valuable nutrients. Enjoy other options in moderation.
- Stay hydrated. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger. Sip on water throughout the event, or jazz it up with a splash of fruit juice or a lemon wedge. If you’re enjoying alcoholic beverages, stick to the recommended guidelines—1 drink per day for women and 2 for men—and alternate with a glass of water to stay hydrated.
- Eat mindfully. Take your time, eat slowly, and savor every bite. Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues, enjoying your meal without rushing.
- Don’t deprive yourself. Allow yourself to enjoy your favorite foods. Instead of avoiding them entirely, serve yourself a small portion of something you really love and savor it guilt-free.
- Use a smaller plate. Opt for a salad-sized plate to help control portions. This can prevent overeating, as it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to recognize that your stomach is full.
- Stay active. After a big meal, get moving! Help clean up, take a walk, or play an active game with loved ones. If you’ve fallen out of your usual exercise routine, don’t be hard on yourself—just start again. It’s never too late to take care of yourself!
- Above all, enjoy. Take time to appreciate the moment, the company of friends and family, and the season's joy. Make space for self-care where you can.
Celebrate the holidays with balance and happiness!