Contact Development

Bastyr is on a mission to transform the health and well-being of the human community. Contact our Develpment Team members with your questions or to discuss how your gift to Bastyr can make the impact you want in student education, research, clinical training or community service. We are here to support your passion to advance natural health through Bastyr University. Tax ID Number: 91-1036794

Bastyr Seattle Development Team

Bastyr's Seattle Campus

Joyce Robertson

Major Gifts and Corporate Relations

Email: [email protected] 
Office – (425) 602-3041 

Vani Limaye

Database and Gift Stewardship 

Email: [email protected] 
Office – (425) 602-3357 

Bastyr San Diego Development Team

Bastyr San Diego Campus

Kathy Fritch

AVP Academic Affairs 

Email: [email protected]