Tech Savvy Scholars: Online Learning Resources

This page offers a curated collection of valuable resources designed to help students become tech-savvy. We’ve gathered tutorials and guides from trusted sources to support you in your online education journey. Explore the following resources to build your confidence and ensure you’re ready to excel in your online degree program at Bastyr University

How to Build Your Technical Confidence

Welcome to Bastyr University’s Online Degree Programs!

Online learning has become an increasingly popular component of higher education, and it’s easy to see why. With the ease of “getting to class,” the lower overall costs, and the flexibility offered to those who work and care for families, distance education has a lot going for it.

If you’re not super familiar with using a computer or different software on a regular basis, the idea of taking online classes can seem intimidating. It doesn’t have to be though! With the right preparation and tools, you can dive into your online learning experience with confidence.

While our classes do not include instruction on basic computer skills, we are committed to helping you get set up and ready before you start your classes. Below is a list of resources to help you build your technical confidence and ensure you have the necessary skills and equipment for success in our online programs.


Here are some valuable resources to help you become more tech-savvy and prepared for your online classes:

Basic Computer Skills Tutorials: A series of free tutorials covering basic computer skills, from using a mouse and keyboard to understanding operating systems and file management.

Introduction to the Internet: Learn how to navigate the internet, use search engines effectively, and understand online safety.

Microsoft Office Tutorials: Get familiar with Microsoft Office applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, which are commonly used in online coursework. Helpful video tutorial for Microsoft Word.

Learn, Practice, Certify: Through funding by the Legislature, Washington State Library offers digital upskilling and reskilling resources for any learner in Washington. Choose your own goals and start where you are comfortable. Visit your local library to utilize these services or access them through a state library card.

We encourage you to take advantage of these resources to build your confidence and ensure you’re ready to succeed in your online degree program at Bastyr University. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.