Registration Overview

Bastyr University operates on the quarter system. The University's quarter is 11 weeks long. (Summer quarter classes are generally eight weeks; summer clinic is 11 weeks.) Eleven hours of class constitute one credit hour, and 22 hours of lab/practicum constitute one credit hour.

Registration for continuing students takes place each term. New students are automatically registered for their fall quarter courses before orientation week.

Classes may be added or dropped from a student's schedule through the add/drop period (ending the close of the first week of each quarter). Withdrawal from classes is not permitted during the final three weeks of a quarter (the refund schedule can be found in the quarterly Academic Calendar in the Registrar's section of MyBU on SharePoint and in the University catalog).

In no case may a course be dropped or withdrawn from after the course has ended. Students must check with the registrar for specific deadlines.

Clinical rotations may be added, dropped, or traded during a specific clinic add/drop/trade period open before each term begins.


Current students, visit the Registrar page on MyBu for full contact info. 

MyBu Registrar Page


Visit Office

The Office of the Registrar's main reception is in room #249 at Bastyr's Seattle Campus.

Visit Campus