Bastyr University Launches Community Initiative

In response to shifting policy and change within the University, members of the President’s Cabinet invite Bastyr community members (student, faculty, staff and alumni) to join us as we enter a new phase of providing the best in natural health education. Broadly, we want to ask and answer the question: Where does Bastyr University “engage” in the world?
From President Devin Byrd:
“Bastyr has an opportunity to display leadership in a new way. We have always been a leader in the field of natural health arts and sciences. In these times, we have a unique opportunity to emerge even stronger as a unified, informed and proactive advocate of natural health and wellness.”
As such, this September, the university is launching a new initiative designed to create opportunities within our community, have meaningful engagement with other individuals/organizations while we seek to envision, understand and activate the mission and vision that we hold so dear. The initiative, currently titled, The Bastyr Community Initiative (BCI), will include four aspects:
- Community Conversations
- Research Opportunities
- Advocacy Work
- Broader Community Engagement
Things to consider
- What if we could meet together and speak to each other – sharing ideas, hearing other voices and learning from each other? Can we develop ongoing Community Conversations that bring experts from many sides of an issue, internal and external to our University…to discuss important crises our community and world are facing? I believe we can develop an environment in which these thoughts can be shared and discussed.
- What if all of us who have interest, could take these conversations further…conducting a unified approach to researching the literature, engage in original research -- bringing evidence-informed answers to the crises our world faces?
- What if we could take our researched, vetted point of view to those in positions of influence (locally, statewide, regionally, and nationally) – becoming passionate, informed advocates for natural health and wellness in all our disciplines?
- What if we could reach out to the broader communities to share the answers we have found in ways that change the face of medicine, counseling, nutrition, and so much more?
“For this initiative to launch and be successful, we need members of our community to engage. As you begin to learn more, we ask that you consider how your own interests, talents and expertise can contribute to this initiative, which will move Bastyr into a new space that fully promotes what our health and wellness disciplines have to offer to some of the world’s greatest concerns and crises. We invite you to become a part of and to engage in this endeavor,” said President Byrd.
Next Steps:
Community Conversations will take place starting the end of September. All invited parties will receive an email that includes instructions, what to expect and how to participate.